A Marketplace Fit For Local Breweries
You brew the beer, we sell the merch.



E-commerce For Breweries Made Simple
The Idea
A Local Brewery Marketplace
Tons of local brewery lovers exist all over the world. Why wait for them to plan a trip and stumble into your taproom to showcase your brand? There’s more to your brewery than just four walls and a fermenter. Our goal? To create a concept that freed up some bandwidth, helped breweries tell their story, and promoted their merch to a national audience. We just knew we had to make it simple—so we did.
The Backstory
May the Brewers Brew and The Drinkers Drink
Running a local brewery is anything but easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. It’s actually more like why-is-this-so-lemon-difficult? And who knew there was so much cleaning? As a brewery owner, moving merch is undoubtedly on your mind, but it likely gets pushed down to the “If There’s Time” section of your daily priorities. So maybe it’s time you leave it to the professionals, someone who does e-commerce for a living. Now, are we perfect? We wouldn’t say that—but if the Brewfits…
The Brass Tax
Join for free, multiply your sales
“So let me get this straight…all we have to do is print a label and send out the goods?” Yes, That’s it. Yes, we’re running paid advertising that attracts a national audience to a storefront where they can buy your brewery’s merch. Yes, shipping costs are covered. Yes, we handle customer service and potential returns. Yes, it’s free to sign up. So how do we sustain this business model? We simply take a small cut of each sale. Your margins can remain your margins—we’re just multiplying the sales volume.
The Next Steps
Start Selling Your Merch Today
Ready to join the Brewfits community? First, create your account by entering in some basic details about you and your operation. After you've created your account and verified your brewery, you’ll immediately be able to upload and post your merch to the Brewfits platform. From there, you can customize your brewery profile, tell your story, select product prices, indicate available sizes and inventory, and most importantly, sell your merch.